In-class essay: 한남(Korean males), and so-called 'tradition'
In-class essay * This is an essay written in class (50 min), and it was revised slightly(mostly grammar) to be posted on the blog. Prompt: "Us and Them". "Tribalism" is social phenomena that extends from small and specific social groups(schools, companies, neighborhoods) to larger more broadly generalized groups (economic, ethnic, nationhood). In a first paragraph (the "US" paragraph), identify a group you belong to on any scale, and write about something that binds that group together. In a second paragraph (a "Them" paragraph), identify a similarly scaled group you don't belong to (and may or may not have clashing ideals with), and summarize how they are different. In a third paragraph, (a "What if" paragraph) write in favor and support of something that this group stands for - either specifically or generally - and express how that group feels (even if you don't agree). In a fourth paragraph, (the Conclusion) propose a m...